Educational learning modules on Li-ion batteries
Registration is open!
PhD Educational summer school
About Us

ELMO-LION is a new European battery technology and innovation 6 ECTS Credit PhD course and a Summer School which is funded by EIT Raw Materials in the field of Li-ion batteries
You can register to ELMO-LION 2025 NOW!
Information about Summer school is updated:
Dates of event are July 28 – August 1, 2025
The School will take place in the “Aula Magna” of the Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Department. The address is Via Loredan, 20, Padova, Italy 35131
To train the next generation of scientists and engineers in the interdisciplinary and rapidly accelerating field of Li-ion batteries
Three main pillars
Online course - online lectures offered by experts on battery fabrication, characterization, spectroscopy, simulations, advanced diagnostics, and market.
Project work - working cases and challenges from industrial partners to be solved by PhD student teams.
A venture‐creation Summer School where students can prepare their projects related to industrial challenges and have personal communication with experts from academy and industry.

Learning modules

Online lectures
Online lectures offered by experts on battery fabrication, characterization, spectroscopy, simulations, advanced diagnostics, and market.

Project work
Working cases and challenges from industrial partners to be solved by PhD student teams.

Summer school
Personal communication with experts from academy and industry and venture-creation.
The ELMO-LION learning objectives are oriented towards understanding how to improve the charging of batteries and extending battery lifespan by optimizing the lithiation and de-lithiation processes to ensure ions being homogeneously distributed across the cells.
The lectures further explore topics that would facilitate circular economy measures — remanufacturing, reuse, repurposing, and recycling — to be properly applied on diagnostic competences and technologies that evaluate the battery state of health. By fusing the traditional battery diagnosis and characterization to quantum theory simulations and advanced spectroscopy, ELMO-LION brings reliability and accuracy in solving battery problems relevant for the industry and raw materials communities.
The modules build on an important new body of scientific research published in scientific journals.
Important merits of ELMO-LION are based on the problem-based learning and the value of solving real life industry problems with advanced scientific knowledge.
ELMO-LION Partners: